Salon Preparation Guidelines

Salon Image Preparation and
Competition Entry Guidelines

Eligibility: You must be a member of the PPCF in good standing to submit an entry.
                  Non-members must be pre-approved and pre-paid for entry.

Maximum Entries Allowed: You may submit up to 4 entries per case (that includes 1 album)
Image Competition Entry Form

Case Fees: There is currently no case fee for PPCF Members, non-members must pre-pay $20.00 per case.

Categories: You must specify the category in which each image competes.

COMPETITION RULES: Here are the basic rules for Competition:

  • 1. Entrant must have captured and created the original exposure.
  • 2. No entry will be eligible that has been made under the supervision of an instructor, or as a class assignment, or from a workshop where posing and/or lighting have been preset.
  • 3. Any entry which has been reproduced from an existing photograph, graphic, or any other artwork produced by another person, is a violation of the competition rules and will not be judged, accepted or exhibited. The maker must have personally created all photographic elements in their entry. If an entry, in the good-faith opinion of the Competition Committee, violates copyright, trademark or any other applicable law, that entry shall be disqualified.
  • 4. A maximum of four entries may be submitted per entrant, including max 1 Album.
  • 5. All entries must be titled.
  • 6. All entries must be sized and formatted correctly as detailed below.

Any entry not conforming to these rules will be disqualified.

Awards are presented in the following categories:
Wedding/Social Function
Artist (Electronic Image/Art Tech)
Event Album
Non-event album

Image Registration Information: (using the online form)

Category: The category of competition for each image should be specified from the list above.

File Names: The file name should be the Image Title with no spaces or symbols (file name example: maryslittlelamb). However the actual title of the image should be typed out normally (title example: Mary’s Little Lamb)

Display Release: You must specify whether you grant PPCF a non-exclusive display release in order to post the image and maker name on social media in relation to this competition.

File Preparation:
Basically, the Competition Area (grey rectangle in the templates below) is 8″×10″ at a resolution of 125dpi, and then that 8×10 is placed centered on a 10″×10″ black mat (i.e. letterboxed), and saved as a jpg at quality level 12.

First prepare your entry as an 8×10 (matted or full bleed) at 125dpi, then add the black letterbox area as the final step. The IMAGE itself (green area) may be any size and placed anywhere in the Competition Area (if matted). If your entry is already on a black background mat, add a thin 2 pixel off-white stroke to differentiate your original “8×10” from the 10×10 background. Vertical images have the same requirements, just rotated 90°.

The final submitted entry must be a vertical or horizontal rectangle (represented by the grey “competition area” in the templates below) and letterboxed to make a square. If you have questions or are unsure, please contact Ed, the Salon Chair, for clarification at 407-657-8426.
Incorrectly formatted entries will be disqualified and rejected from the Salon.

Horizontal Competition Template ( horizontal example, rotate 90° for vertical )



For Electronic Art/Art Tech category: The scoring in this category is more than judging just the final image. Ultimately the primary difference will be the additional value or bias given to ability, technique and the quality of the process to achieve the final result. Guide prints are required, and are an excellent tool for the juror to use while analyzing how the image was created and how well the artwork was done. This enables the juror to understand where an image started and the maker’s ability required to bring it to fruition.

Horizontal Art-Tech Template ( Electronic Art / Art Tech )


Album Preparation: Albums must also be registered online, you must create a title page image for online registration.

Create a file folder of your page-spread album files numbered in the correct sequence and compress it as a Zip file. Make a new image title page numbered 000, sized 10×10 at 125dpi with a black background and only the title of your entry in large white plain text, and include that in the zip file. After zipping up all the spreads and the title page, use the SalonAlbumEntryPage to send the zip file to the PPSCF Salon Chair. You must still register your Entry Title page when registering your individual images.


How To Register Your Images: To register your entries, click on the link below and enter the information on the form and then click “Submit Entry” at the bottom of the screen only once. You must allow time for the files to upload and wait for the confirmation message, thanking you for your entry. If you do not get a confirmation message, that means the entries were not sent and you must re-submit. This is only a *pre-confirmation* that the files were uploaded and not an actual confirmation that they were received and validated by Ed.

Competition/Salon Entry Form
After you have submitted your images, you will see an acknowledgement message below the SUBMIT button and also receive an auto-response email acknowledgement. Later (within a day or so) should receive an email directly from Ed confirming that your images have been received and validated. It will contain a list of your valid entries.

NB: If you do not receive the auto-responder “Thank You” email immediately after you submit your entry, your entry was not submitted correctly. You must call Ed to troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

NOTICE: YOU MUST RECEIVE A 2ND VALIDATION EMAIL FROM ED, IN ADDITION TO THE THANK YOU AUTO-RESPONSE, CONFIRMING THAT HE HAS RECEIVED AND VALIDATED YOUR IMAGES. If in the event you did not receive a validation email directly from Ed, you must CALL him to confirm that your entries were received. You MUST make this confirmation call by the 5pm Saturday deadline.

ENTRY DEADLINE: All entries MUST be submitted no later than 5:00pm on the Saturday prior to competition. We will not be accepting any entries after that time… no exceptions.

NB: No entry will be considered valid, or entered into Salon, if it is NOT entered through the Salon Entry Form. Do NOT email images directly to Ed, you must use the form.
If you need help with the form, you must call Ed at 407-657-8426 to troubleshoot and resolve the problem before the 5pm Saturday deadline.


Thank you for your submission and interest in the PPSCF Salon.

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Salon noun M-W { sa·​lon | \sə-ˈlän, ˈsa-ˌlän, sa-ˈlōⁿ\ }

Definition of salon

  1. 1 : an elegant apartment or living room (as in a fashionable home)
  2. 2 : a fashionable assemblage of notables (such as literary figures, artists, or statesmen) held by custom at the home of a prominent person
  3. 3 a: a hall for exhibition of art
  4. b: {capitalized} an annual exhibition of works of art, may be held as a competition